Test-seite 3
Die Tischlerei stellt dir zu Beginn erst mal primitives Holzwerkzeug in kleinen Mengen her.
The Carpentry first of all produces primitive wooden tools in small quantities for you.
The carpentry first of all produces primitive wooden tools in small quantities for you.
Buildings with more than 300 inhabitants - Buildings with more than 800 inhabitants
Each building and also fields require 30 inhabitants.
Up to 300 inhabitants they move in at once - from 300 inhabitants they move in gradually.
(wood, firewood, mushroom (food))
Wood: 3 - Tool: 3 - Boards: 6
Construction time: 5 min
Mushrooms do not consume goods
Wood Tool: 1 - Food: 2 Produced: ] Wood: 2 - Duration: 10 min |
Firewood: more than 150 inhabitants ] wood: 1 - Tool: 1 - Food: 1 Produced: ] Firewood: 7 - Duration: 60 min |
Pioneer cabin
Offers living space for 100 inhabitants
- at least 60 inhabitants
Wood: 3 - Tool: 3 - Boards: 3
Construction time: 60 min
top of page -- home page
(production of boards, production of tool)
In the carpentry you can make boards and simple tools
- at least 90 inhabitants
- enough sleeping places through houses
wood: 6 - stone: 6 - Tool: 6 - Boards: 6
Construction time: 180 minutes
Boards wood: 2 - Tool: 2 - Food: 2 Produced: boards: 4 - duration: 30 min |
Tool: wood: 1 - Food: 2 Produced: Tool: 4 - Duration: 60 min |